Sittingbourne Block Paving
Sittingbourne Block Paving
We are a leading Sittingbourne Block Paving specialist and provide you with a huge array of options for your Driveway or Patio.
It is important that you make the right decision on what type of pattern, colour and design you choose for your block paving as it will be something that you can be proud of for year to come.
It is equally important that you make the right decision on which Sittingbourne Block Paving contractor you get to lay your block paved driveway or patio as a poorly constructed driveway or patio will soon become an eyesore and even a hazard. It is vital that the groundwork is done correctly.
We dig out the driveway or patio to the required deph to allow us to put a minimum of 6″ of type one base stone and an even deeper layer if the ground on which we are laying requires it. Any required drainage channels or pipes are put in and the Base stone is then thoroughly compacted and levelled before a membrane is put down to suppress weed growth – as weeds coming up through your block paving is most unsightly and a pain to get rid of. A layer of 3″ of sand is then layed, levelled and compacted and all measurements are then double-checked before we start to lay your paving.
Our professional Sittingbourne Block Paving layers will ensure a perfect, level finish giving you a driveway or patio you can be proud of and all this is backed up by your Sittingbourne Block Paving specialist – Base Driveways 2 Year No-Nonsense Guarantee.
Be Careful Choosing Your Sittingbourne Block Paving Contractor
If you make the mistake of choosing a bad block paving contractor then you are going to find that you have thrown a lot of money down the drain, as we are often called out to put right poorly constructed and layed block paving that has sunk and become unlevel or no drainage consideration has been made and water runs off in the wrong direction – often towards the property with nowhere to go.
Let us Quote to be Your Sittingbourne Block Paving Contractor
There is no need to go for a cheap and cheerful option because it will only cause problems and more expense in the future – if you call us first then you will see that you get a professional first class job that is fully guaranteed by a long established firm that is approved by Kent Highways, who control all construction of vehicle crossovers in Kent and we are one of only 10 approved contractors for Medway council –
You get all this at a fantasticly affordable price from an experienced and professional Sittingbourne block paving contractor.